Monday, November 22, 2010

Test results

Well here I am again. Since I last posted I have received my blood test results and thought I'd share with you. Aren't you lucky!! I had no idea how long it would take to get the results back and really I had forgotten about them. When the nice lady from the phone called she started her conversation with, "Todd's test results came back good and everything looks fine with him but yours.... (insert long pause here) showed a couple of things." My heart was racing and I thought I was going to faint. You see, the tests were for HIV, all the Hepatitis viruses, and STD's. To say I was freaking out is an understatement. The nice lady went on to say, "you are negative for all the hepatitis viruses, HIV, and STD's but it seems that you have not been properly vaccinated for rubella. Also your blood type is A-." I was nearly undone with relief! Basically what this means is that when I next go into the office they will give me a vaccination. Easy Peasy!! As for the A- blood type I'm not entirely sure why this is a bad thing. I know it has something to do with excessive bleeding while pregnant but I still need to do some research. I'm really thankful they found out this before I got pregnant so they can monitor me more closely once I do get pregnant.

So in other news... I was approved for health insurance last week. Yay! I was really stressing about that so it's a load off to know it finally went through. Thank you Jesus!! We could really use your prayers right now as well.  Todd and I both are experiencing a lot of stress at the moment. Todd is trying to figure out how to pay for all this and I think mine is all emotional crap. Neither one of us is dealing with it very well so please pray for us.

Well I'm keeping it short today as I have a ton of things to do so I will talk to you later. Love to you all...


  1. Hang in there cuz! Glad to hear the good news. Great for the insurance as well.

  2. Love you my dear, sweet, cousin!! Praying for you.

  3. GREAT about the health insurance! GREAT GREAT GREAT!
