Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My turn...

Well it was my turn for the exam. I went in for a trial transfer and some blood work this week. It went really well but man did it hurt.

First off, they tell me to come in with a full bladder. The nice lady on the phone said to empty my bladder (go potty) about 30 minutes before my scheduled appointment then drink about 24oz. of water on my way in. I followed the directions to the letter. The problem was that I didn't get in right at my scheduled time. They were running about 30 minutes late. Oh My Goodness!! I had to go potty so bad. The doctor nicely asked if I would like to empty a little out before the procedure to make it more comfortable. I kindly told him that I would not be able to stop once I started so he better hurry. He thought I was funny! I didn't think he was funny. The first part was just like a pap so not a big deal but then they started pushing on my bladder. That was just cruel if you ask me. I think the doctor was getting a little worried when I kept telling him to hurry. Finally the nurse says "all done" as she pulling me upright and wrapping the gown around me. She knew it was getting critical. She rushed me down the hall to the bathroom and wouldn't you know it, it was occupied! I almost cried right there in the hall. Thankfully the nurse was a little more together than I was and quickly dragged me around the corner to another bathroom. Ah blessed relief!! The next procedure hurt like hell.

Let me spell this out for you. The first procedure was a trial transfer. It basically enabled the doctor to see how fast and easy he could implant an embryo into my uterus. Everything went smoothly. Yay God!! The second procedure was, I don't know the name, but he needed to look at the interior walls of my uterus. Ouch! First of all he put saline solution in my uterus. My uterus didn't like it apparently because I immediately got cramps. Ugh. Then the doctor tried to insert a camera all the way into my uterus. I did warn you that this might get graphic. I'm laying there watching this on the monitor (in color mind you) and thinking, gross! Todd on the other hand thought it was cool. Yes for all of you doubters out there, my husband was there with me and I didn't even make him go. He volunteered. I don't think he'll do that again. :) Anyway, I digress. So the doctor is trying to get from the cervix to the uterus and he keeps getting stuck in the middle. Finally he figures out that there is a 90 degree corner that the camera thingy can't seem to get around. He gets the bright idea to straighten said corner so to make it easier for the camera to get through. Not a good plan!!! Oh My Goodness!! That hurt! I even cried a little which greatly alarmed my husband, but the nice part of dr.s plan was that the cramping eased a lot when he did that. Transferring one pain for another not my idea of a good time. Well the good news was everything looked good. I still say gross. This is the point when the doctor reads my chart and discovers that he forgot to do something during the first procedure. Up I go and we all trek back to the first room so he can do an ultrasound from the inside. He had to look at my ovaries and make sure they are working properly. Thankfully my bladder was full again!!! I'm telling you, me and water have a love hate relationship. Again, good news was that everything is working properly and looks healthy. Yay God!!

This whole thing really released me from some fears that I had been harboring for years. What if the reason we can't get pregnant had nothing to do with Todd? What if something is wrong with my baby maker? What if, What if, What if?????? Just this week in our home group we were challenged to change our negative what if's to positive what if's. Coincidence?! I think not. I used that teaching all week and I know I will use it though-out this journey. The conclusion to this weeks appointment was that we are definitely going through with this. The nice lady from the phone was there and explained our calender to us. She also explained all the medication I would be taking and the cost. Bless her, she even gave us some donated meds that saved us $200.00. I have to say that I really love all the people I have had to deal with so far in this office. They are so nice and calm and willing to work with us.

That's all I have for now, Love to you all...


  1. Ouch, ouch, ouch! The pain you go through! So glad all is well and what a relief to know it is a GO! I am happy for you two and think about you all the time. God bless you Nikki and thank you for sharing your journey.

  2. What a lot to go through! And what an incredible journey. As I read I once again feel how blessed we are to be able to go through this with you. My prayers and very highest hopes and expectations are yours!
