Thursday, December 2, 2010


Well here I am again sitting on a stool in front of my computer with a cup of tea close by. I've been thinking about what to blog for a couple of days now and I still don't know. I mean do you want to hear about how emotional I am today or would you rather hear about how stressed out Todd is this week. To say that this process is difficult is a major understatement. We are both constantly second guessing our decision to take this journey. We know it's right but still....
Are we going to be able to come up with all $12000 or are we going to have to stop midway through because we just can't get it? Are we sure we want to change our whole lives now? Are we going to be good parents? Is this even going to work?  Etc., etc.,etc..
We try really hard to maintain faith and hope in this whole process but sometimes it's hard. We get tired and down and things don't look as bright as they did a couple of weeks ago. This is real life and it isn't always sunshine and candy canes.

Well instead of going on and on about how blue I am today I think I will close this post and try again tomorrow. To all my friends and family reading this, there isn't anything wrong with me I'm just emotional due to hormone changes. I will be better tomorrow, I promise. :)

1 comment:

  1. You will be able to come up with the 12,000. You will be great parents. It is going to work. Remember there is power in words. It will happen one way or another. I hope you hang on for the ride but get a chance to put your hands in the air with excitement on the roller coaster!
