Monday, March 9, 2009

Cracker Jacks...

So I was laying in bed the other night, tossing and turning, and just totally frustrated. I was frustrated because I couldn't go to sleep and my brain just wouldn't shut off. As I was laying there I started thinking about something I had heard earlier that day. I had heard someone say that they just hadn't been getting anything out of church lately. I totally got this picture of Cracker Jacks in my head. This explains my point of view perfectly and I will share it with you.

Going to church (any church) is like eating cracker jacks. It's pre-packed in a cute little box and the insides are basically the same. You open it up and start to eat the goodies inside but they aren't real exciting, it's just carmel corn, but it's your attitude that makes it a treat or not. The really exciting part of cracker jacks are the treasures that they put in every box. Now you can just leisurely continue to eat knowing that eventually you will probably get to the treasure or you can go searching for it. I personally, go searching. I want to know what I'm getting. I want to dig it out and play with it whether it's chintzy or not. Sometimes it's right there on top as soon as you open the box, but sometimes it's all the way at the bottom. That is what church is to me. God gives us truth everyday not just Sunday but for Sunday we go expecting it to be basically the same program as last Sunday. Now we can leisurely go through the motions knowing that eventually truth will smack us upside the head (whether we recognize it or not is another story), or we can search out the truth that God has for us every Sunday, every day. There is always that treasure to be found. Sometimes it's labled and right in our face, sometimes it takes some searching to find exactly what God has for us but there is always a treasure that he has hidden just for you and me.

I challenge anyone who reads this to go searching for that hidden treasure, find that hidden truth. Put your heart and soul into it and see what you get out. You won't be disappointed I promise.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. Thanks for passing on this nugget. it is such a good reminder to always have hearts searching for what God has for us not only on Sunday but everyday. Looking for the treasure helps me to have my heart focused on God in all circumstances and I am always amazed at the treasure I find.
